Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy

Sometimes, the most important things in life are the little things. Everyday tasks are the ones that occupy most of our time. Some of us may take these details for granted while others could be working hard to get them back. The good news is that we’re here to help.

Physical Therapy

Our ability to move affects our physical, mental and emotional health. Regular physical activity helps us avoid and improve many health conditions. Each patient has specific needs and challenges. However, the goal is the same, which is to manage pain, maximize movement and recover. Treatments may include:


  • Exercises

  • Stretches

  • Massages

  • Practice using an artificial limb

  • Help to balance using a walking aid

Occupational Therapy

Guardian Home Care LLC works hard to build a plan that is tailored for your personal care and progress. We can help our seniors reach the goal of improving their ability to complete everyday activities with confidence.

It can be devastating not being able to do the things you once used to do with ease, which is why we offer this service at home. Our therapists guide the patient and their family to use what works best for them. This can include a need to adapt to your home environment according to the patient’s needs, such as the use of specialized equipment, technology and recommendations. The need to depend on someone to take a bath, dress, eat and even to sleep can take a toll on our self-confidence. Our goal is to make a difference in our patient’s daily life, helping them get back to having more independence.

Speech Therapy

Communication is an essential part of our everyday life. It is our way of expressing our thoughts and feelings. Our speech therapists help improve problems with speaking, swallowing and understanding. Certain conditions can cause the patient to struggle with making certain sounds, finding the right words, forming thoughts or swallowing properly. Speech therapy addresses these problems along with working toward reaching the maximum communication possible and helping the patient to safely eat and drink again.