Telemonitoring Services

In-Home Telemonitoring

Guardian Home Care LLC also offers in-home telemonitoring to patients who require regular checkups on their overall health. This can give you and your family peace of mind knowing that your condition is always being monitored by our health experts. Telemonitoring is a type of technology that sets up an automated monitoring system in your own home. You don’t even have to leave to the doctor’s office. 

How It Works

The system is designed to take your vitals on a daily basis. These vitals can include your blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, pulse and weight, which are then reported back to our team of experts. Anything that looks outside of the normal range for your health is followed up by your personal skilled nurse or your primary physician. It’s also important to note that this service does not replace your regular in-home visits from our nurses.


Privacy and Benefits for the Patient

Here at Guardian Home Care LLC, we value the privacy of our clients. You can rest easy knowing that all of your sensitive information is kept on a secure line. The only people who will read over the patient’s information and health results is our team of experts. This is a great supplement to your regular home visits from our nurses. Because your health and well-being are important, telemonitoring can keep us up to date on your condition on a regular basis. This can reduce the chance of re-hospitalization.